Are you looking for a school with:
Exceptional teachers
Rigorous academics
Dress code
High behavior expectations
96% attendance commitment
Extra breaks throughout the school year
Homework each night
Spanish starting in 2nd grade
What will you not find at The Academy?
Student cell phones/smart watches
Extreme styles
Please note that we do not offer busing or participate in the free/reduced lunch program. We do offer a daily pre-ordered paid hot lunch.
Think we are a good fit? Apply today!
The 2025-2026 lottery for new students opened January 1, 2025. Current students fill out an Intent to Return form in February.
Application Deadline
Open enrollment lottery for 2025-2026 school year opened January 1, 2025.
Open enrollment lottery deadline is February 28, 2025
Date of Lottery
The lottery will be held on March 7, 2025 at 9:00am
First: Current Academy Students
Second: Children of founders and full-time employees.
Third: Siblings of current students.
Fourth: Siblings of new students offered a seat.
Fifth: Applicants who reside in the primary attendance area (School District 25 boundaries).
Sixth: Applicants who reside outside of the primary attendance area (School District 25 boundaries).
Offers for Enrollment
Students who are offered a seat must accept in a timely manner. If no response is received, you will forfeit your spot.
Please note that we do not take teacher requests.
Students who did not secure a spot at the lottery drawing will be placed on the waitlist. We work off of this list for the entire year, so if you did not immediately get a seat, you may midyear!
If you are interested in transferring for the current school year, please call the school at 208.232.1447 to inquire about any open seats.