Student Testing Information
Teacher salaries range from $48,500 to $79,300 depending on education and experience. Click here for the complete pay scale.
Class sizes vary by grade level, ranging from 24/class in Kindergarten to 34/class in 4th through 8th grades. Each teacher is allotted two 15-hour/week aides in K-3rd and one 15-hour/week aide in grades 4th through 8th to assist with paperwork and classroom management.
Students at Connor Academy arrive for early morning recess between 7:30 a.m. and 7:50. The line-up bell rings at 7:50. Students line up by class and then go to their rooms. The day officially starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m.
Teachers are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before school starts and stay at least 15 minutes after the final bell. Additionally, teachers are expected to attend a monthly faculty meeting that occurs after school and lasts approximately 1 hour.
Parents are asked to volunteer 3 hours/month. Not every one can volunteer during school hours, but most are very supportive of the school and staff and are grateful for regular communication from teachers. In lieu of volunteering, monetary donations are also appreciated by the teacher for classroom supplies!
The Academy uses evidence-based literacy techniques focusing on the Amplify Education Language Arts curriculum. We teach all of the foundational literacy skills explicitly. In the classroom, foundational skills are practiced daily and enriched with guided reading, creative and research writing and literature experiences. Special attention is given to struggling learners who receive push-in supplemental help from the Literacy Intervention team in small groups 4 days a week.
Students at The Academy do not have 1:1 access to computers, and are not allowed to use their phones during the school day without explicit permission from school staff. There is a computer lab used as a computer class, a separate computer lab for classes to use for group projects or assignments and several Chromebook carts, which are typically used for writing projects. Teachers are expected to spend most of their time teaching through direct instruction instead of through computer monitors.
At The Academy, students are expected to be accountable for their actions. In addition to receiving typical consequences (detention, suspension, loss of privileges, etc.), for common misbehaviors (tardiness, lack of kindness or respect to others, defiance, etc.), students are expected to fix what was damaged or broken by their actions. This often includes a public or private apology in an effort to restore their personal reputation with those affected by their actions. The school administration is included in all misbehaviors greater than those that are within the bounds of normal classroom management.
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25 is a local K-12 public school district with an enrollment of over 12,000 students. The Academy Inc. is a K-8 public charter school district with an enrollment of 540 students. Although our attendance areas overlap and we share a common mission to educate children, our day-to-day governance and operations are completely separate and independent.
I think they are VERY supportive, but then, I’m the principal. Feel free to send an email to any of the Academy staff to ask what they think. They typically respond within 24 hours. You can find their email addresses on our website under the Staff tab.