Parental Involvement
Academy schools depend on the support and engagement of parents. We actively work to earn your trust and confidence to provide a safe and productive learning environment. We believe that, to support their child here at the Academy, parents should have ongoing opportunities and experiences through classroom service.
Research shows that parental involvement improves student attitude towards school and increases student achievement. When children see you modeling good citizenship, and taking time to enhance their education, it reinforces what we are teaching. And increases our effectiveness. We encourage parents to support their children in their homework and to reinforce personal responsibility in your child.
The Academy suggests a minimum of 3 hours of volunteer service a month/family or 30 hours for the school year. These service hours can be accomplished in a variety of ways including:
Grading student papers & tests (email teacher to schedule)
Observing classes
Assisting the Art Class.
Email to schedule a time to volunteer.
Helping with PTO events
CLICK HERE for the PTO page with events and contacts.
Lego Robotics (contact Mark Sorensen at
Participating in small group learning activities
Work in in the library/office
Helping assemble/prepare lesson projects
Supervising at lunch/recess/special activities
Attending board and committee meetings
Ground and property beautification (see Joel Lovstedt)