Connor Academy Dress Code
Adopted: April 12, 2010
Amended: July 19, 2024
The two fundamental purposes of elementary school are to promote a proper attitude toward education and to prepare students for success. Given these aims, it is essential to create and maintain an effective teaching and learning environment. Student attire can either promote a more effective educational environment, or it can disrupt it. Attire that is acceptable for some social settings may not be acceptable for school.
It is the duty of the Academy to provide an educational environment with minimal distractions that is conducive to learning, and protects the health, safety, and morale of students.
Students are reminded that their appearance (i.e., clothing and grooming) significantly affects the way others respond to them. Matters of dress remain the primary responsibility of students, in consultation with their parents or legal guardians. All students will adhere to the following minimum standards of dress when they attend school.
Student Appearance
Students are to be neat and clean to the best of their ability. Each article of clothing should be an approved solid color (see below). A single pinstripe (⅛ inch) on the collar and/or sleeve is permitted. Fabrics should be thick enough to not see through the material. All fabrics should be free of holes, rips, fraying, and tears. Connor Academy logo apparel is acceptable to wear. All clothing should be size-appropriate. Avoid articles of clothing and/or accessories which distract from the educational environment or draw unwarranted attention.
Approved Clothing Colors
Colors for school are navy blue, burgundy, khaki, white, sky blue, and hunter green. Clothing needs to be solid color without patterns, words, or symbols.





Sky Blue

Hunter Green
All bottoms must be worn at the waist (i.e., no hip-huggers) and should fit well. Jeans, overly tight or baggy bottoms, (e.g., flannel, lounge wear, yoga pants, bike/spandex shorts) do not meet The Academy’s standards. Shorts and Capri pants may be worn before fall break and/or after spring break. Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee cap when standing.
All tops and dresses must have short or long sleeves that cover the shoulders. Necklines should be higher than the straight line from underarm to underarm in the front and back. Shirts must reach below the belt line to cover the stomach. Hoods on hoodies must remain down while in school buildings.
Footwear must be worn at all times for health and safety. Closed toed shoes must be worn between fall and spring break. Sandals and flip flops may be worn before fall break and/or after spring break. However, all students must wear appropriate sneakers for gym.
Coats, Jackets & Backpacks
Winter coats or jackets that are worn outside can be any color(s). Coats are not permitted to be worn in the building. During cold weather, we encourage layering with a sweater or jacket that meets the dress code standards while in the building. Backpacks can have any color(s), patterns, and/or logos, so long as they are school-appropriate.
Hats, Headbands, & Scarves
Baseball caps, knit hats, and scarves may be worn outside, but not in the building. Any symbol, print, or logo on such clothing must be school-appropriate. Headbands are permitted so long as they are not distracting.
Makeup, Hair, Jewelry, & Tattoos
Subtle makeup is allowed. No glitter.
Hairstyles must be non-distracting, neat and clean. Student hair color must be a natural human color (e.g., black, blonde, brown and red). Multicolored hair is prohibited. Hair must not obstruct the eyes.
Jewelry for body piercings is to be only visible in the ears (no gauges). A maximum of two piercings per ear are to be visible. Other non-distracting jewelry, (e.g., rings, bracelets and necklaces) are allowed.
Tattoos (permanent or temporary) should not be visible.
Mustang Monday
Mondays are casual. Any color/pattern tops may be worn as well as jeans. These articles of clothing must conform to school neatness and dress code standards.
Dress Code Violations
If a student comes to school not conforming to the above dress code, the Administration will refer to the Dress Code Violation Policy (Policy 8160.3).