Attendance Policy 8116

Adopted: September 13, 2007
Amended: July 22, 2024

Idaho Code 33-202 mandates school attendance of all children between the ages of 7 and 16. Idaho Code 33-206 states that truancy is a violation of Idaho law.

The Academy has the responsibility to encourage student school attendance. The responsibility for compliance with this law belongs to the parents, but the school is obliged to keep an accurate record of daily attendance. This attendance record is placed in the student’s permanent record and kept on file.

At The Academy there is a high expectation for student attendance. It instills a sense of high value and respect for their time at school. The Academy’s emphasis on the direct instruction approach to education eliminates many textbooks. Being in attendance is essential to the learning process. Additionally, attendance numbers establish the funding for the school. We expect 96% attendance at The Academy. 

We believe that this is a foundation for a habit of work that will serve them beyond school. For this reason, parents are asked to plan family trips and vacations around the school calendar, which includes many extra breaks.

Arrival & Departure

Students are expected to come to school on time, prepared to learn every day. Instruction begins at Connor at 8:00am and at Alpine at 8:15am.

Arrival: Students should arrive 15 minutes before school begins. Students who arrive at or after the start of school receive a tardy.

Connor Arrival Time

Connor Arrival Tardy Time

Alpine Arrival Time

Alpine Arrival Tardy Time





Please follow these drop-off rules to ensure safe and organized arrival to school:

  • Parents/guardians who wish to walk their students into the building must park their vehicles in a designated parking spot.

  • Visitors must sign in and wear a visitor’s badge to enter the building.

  • Students arriving after school begins must be signed in by a parent/guardian.

Departure: Students are to be picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal. Families are responsible for picking up students on time or arranging a ride. If students are not picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal, the school will call the emergency contacts on file, and the student will receive a tardy.

Connor Dismissal Time

Connor Dismissal Tardy Time

Alpine Dismissal Time

Alpine Dismissal Tardy Time






A tardy is assigned to students arriving late, missing an unexcused portion of the day, leaving early, or picked up late after school. After the 4th tardy, students are given a detention. For each additional tardy, another detention is assigned. After the 7th tardy, the parent/guardian will be put on an attendance contract. Tardies reset after each trimester. Students with a history of excessive tardies may be referred to the Truancy Office or School Board.

4+ Tardies/Trimester

7+ Tardies/Trimester

Parent/guardian notified via mail and/or email and detention is assigned.

Parent/guardian meets with Administrator for a Attendance Contract.


Parents are expected to contact the school when their children are absent. An excused absence is one caused by illness or a death in the family. All other absences are defined as unexcused. Absences are accrued annually. After the 4th absence, a letter is sent home, and detention is given. Upon the 7th absence, the parent/guardian will be put on an attendance contract. At the 9th absence, the student is at risk for expulsion and will be referred to the Board of Directors and the Truancy Office. In order for absences due to illness or bereavement to be excused, oral or written communication from the student’s parent/guardian must be received within 48 hours of the last day of the absence. All absences, excused or unexcused, count toward a student’s official record of attendance. Students with unexcused attendance/punctuality problems do not qualify for Citizen of the  Week/Month awards. Any student with a history of excessive absences may be referred to the Truancy Office, School Board, and/or Police Department. Idaho Code 33-207 At the discretion of an Administrator, cumulative absences may be pardoned by evidence by regular attendance. 

4+ Unexcused Absences/Year

7 Unexcused Absences/Year

9 Unexcused Absences/Year

Parent/guardian notified via mail and/or email and detention is assigned.

Parent/guardian meets with Administrator for a Attendance Contract.

Referred to Board of Director and Truancy Office pursuant to Idaho Code 33-207.

Make-up Work and Tests

Students and parents are responsible for discussing make-up work with teacher(s) and/or administrator. Make-up work and make-up tests are essential and subject to the discretion of the teacher(s).


Please keep you student home from school if the following symptoms are present:

  • Temperature of 100.4 degrees or over. Students should remain home until 24 hours fever free without medication.

  • Live head lice

  • Persistent rash that is not allergy related

  • Diarrhea/vomiting in the last 12 hours

  • Red/swollen discharging eyes